Soccer update

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The boys both had soccer games over the weekend. Ty’s team (the Troutville Transformers) continued their winning streak (except for a single tie, they haven’t lost) by winning 3-1. Dane’s team (the YellowJackets) continued their perfect record of no wins (with one tie) by losing 4-1. The 1 on Dane’s team came Dane himself. He actually followed through instead of kicking the ball and stopping to see what happens, and made a 1/2 field run with the ball, got around 2 defenders, and scored the goal unassisted. He was very happy. It’s his first goal/point in any game he’s played.

Somehow, both Blackwood boys are either gravitationally challenged, or are both inordinately attracted to dirt. They both spend more time on the ground than they do running after the ball. They seem to have developed independent habits of kicking the ball (or at it in many cases) then falling to the ground in such a dramatic fashion that many NBA players would be envious (and some of Don King’s fighters). I spend half the game yelling “Get up Dane/Ty!”. They don’t just fall. They flop dramatically, then look around like they are waiting for Olympic scores (damn french judges). If they did this once or twice, it’d be pretty funny. But they do it just about every time the come in contact with the ball.

Come to think of it, they both did pretty well at the game over the weekend. Maybe it was just a phase that they had to go through. Or maybe gravity just loosened it’s grip on them. They still fell occasionally, but didn’t make a big production out of it, and it wasn’t every time they touched the ball.

Dane has another game Tuesday night. Hopefully they’ll win at least one this season. They didn’t start practicing until two weeks after most of the other teams did (coaches out of town), and seem to be on average, smaller/younger than the other teams. They are still having fun though, so that’s all that really matters. He comes home after every game smiling, so it’s really not an issue.

2 Responses to “Soccer update”

  1. Outstanding!! Way to go boys!

    Doing great with those bikes, as well! Keep up the great work!

  2. I thought I was the only one with a kid who did belly flops on the soccer field. My oldest would be fantastic at soccer if he spent as much time playing as he did pulling himself up off the ground!

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